Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A quick update on the Librarian Rig progress. Still a lot to do, but it's off to a good physical start!I've been focusing a lot on scripting large portions of the process so that set up will be much faster once I get cranking on the smaller pieces of the rig.

So far I have a GUI set up and the future plans for it mapped out.
Auto follow through SIM: 100 percent
Joints along curve: 80 percent

Leg Auto Rig: 50 percent
Foot Auto Rig: 0

The Schedule so far:
Schedule for Librarian Rig

Monday Night
1) Finish Auto follow through script
2) Layout intial joint structure

1) Script the leg and inverse foot rigging process
2) Layout all Joints
3) Base Controls

1) First pass skin weights done
2) Legs Rigged, start Arm Rig scripting
3) Start skin weight painting

1) Arms day2 rigging
2) Hands rigging begins

1) Arms are complete
2) Basic Facial Rigging
3) Jiggle physics on flaps Start
4) Investigate Robot Rig Features

1) Jiggle physics complete
2) Robot rigging begins, custom controls
3) More polish on follow through to Piping
4) Short Test Animation

1) Tweaking and Rig vulnerability fixes
2) GUI polish
3) Video Showcasing the Rig in action, Tools developed

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